Motorbike simulator  Topic is solved solved with post #145

Motorbike simulator

Postby tronicgr » Fri 6. Apr 2012, 15:48


I was trying the new version on old games and successfully got data from SuperBikes Riding Challenge, using the "SBike" game plugin. I made a small video demonstrating the values of each effect.

On the extractor I tried to save the profile I made but I got a message like: "Wrong edition", "This option is only valid for the supporter edition of x-sim".

What this means? How one can became qualified for the "supporter edition"?

I also upgraded my operating system to windows7 now, and was trying to test the MotoGP08 with the extractor's Graphic driver, where I got a similar message: "Wrong Key", This feature is not available with the stage 1 key, read the community page how you can get a free upgrade".

I looked around but found nothing about it. Can someone explain me?

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Re: Motorbike simulator  Topic is solved

Postby sirnoname » Fri 6. Apr 2012, 16:07

Main page, left menu called "Software" and point "Terms of usage" will explain all this questions.
It is a part of the gift system of the new X-Sim.
Saving profiles offline is not possible in the free versions. Sharing profiles is the work of the community and people who do not like to share can pay a donation so we can pay others who will do this.
The supporter edition is additionally offline working but only for private usage.
In your case it is very easy if you port your interface project to the interface section of the project gallery. There it is fixed like in a wiki.

If a answer is correct or did help you for a solution, please use the solve button.
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Re: Motorbike simulator

Postby tronicgr » Fri 6. Apr 2012, 16:41

I found it, thanks...

There should be a link to "Terms of Use" right below the download link of the x-sim3 software so its easier to locate! ;)

I'll try to follow you advice for providing info on interfacing my electronics to the new x-sim3 plus some other "goodies". :oops:

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Re: Motorbike simulator

Postby tronicgr » Mon 7. May 2012, 06:01

Can we have the sbike plugin in the extractor again? It was working fine! Why was removed? :(
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Re: Motorbike simulator

Postby motiondave » Mon 7. May 2012, 12:17

sbike plugin would be nice, I am considering building a bike sim.
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Re: Motorbike simulator

Postby museumsteve » Fri 25. May 2012, 14:20

I'd fancy making a bike sim next :D
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Re: Motorbike simulator

Postby motiondave » Fri 25. May 2012, 14:55

Id better sell the seat mover first though... :D
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Re: Motorbike simulator

Postby Racing » Wed 21. Jun 2017, 10:28

Hola, he construido un simulador de moto.

Para jugar al MOTOGP2015, SBK2011.

- Tengo un motor con reductor para que la moto haga el efecto frenada, caballito (aceleración) y cambio de marchas.
- Tengo un motor con reductor en el manillar para el efecto de vibración.
- La inclinación derecha/izquierda la voy hacer con un servomotor. Como el de los volantes OSW.

Tengo todos los componentes para hacer un 2df.
Me he descargado el firmware para arduino de Sirnoname.
Me he bajado X-sim, pero está pensado para coches.

No hay nada sobre simuladores de moto, y no lo he hecho funcionar. Necesito ayuda.

¿Me podéis ayudar?

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Re: Motorbike simulator

Postby Racing » Wed 21. Jun 2017, 11:01

¿Como puedo sacar la telemetría y hacer le plugin de cualquier juego de motos?
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Re: Motorbike simulator

Postby Racing » Tue 10. Oct 2017, 12:51

Hi, it's very similar to what I plan to do. It's very good

I congratulate you.
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