Please use the Image Gallery (tutorial inside)

Please use the Image Gallery (tutorial inside)

Postby floriske » Mon 10. Dec 2012, 11:47

As most of you will have noticed you have your own photo gallery on this website and we would like to encourage everyone to use this gallery so images won't get lost over time:

Opening your gallery and adding albums

If you open this link or click 150 at the top right of the forum (underneath the search box) and click "Your Personal Album" you can add and edit albums to your gallery.

Adding images to an album

By clicking the 152 button you can add images to your gallery.

Placing gallery images in your posts

Once you've added some images to your gallery you can place them in your forum posts very easily by clicking on the 149 button above the window where you type your post, this will open a separate window with your gallery images and by clicking 151 add an image to your post (it will be added at the bottom of the post you are typing).

Or if you know the id of the image you can also type the image id between the bb code that gets added by clicking the 148 button.

Code: Select all

Resulting in:

Using gallery images on external websites

You can also link to gallery images on other websites (good for our site's search engine ranking. So you could upload your sim related images to your gallery here and link to them on a third party site.

e.g. like this:
Code: Select all

Resulting in:

All you have to do is change the id=... to the correct number
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Re: Please use the Image Gallery (tutorial inside)

Postby RufusDufus » Sun 5. May 2013, 02:41

Hi, I assume I am doing something wrong, but can't work out what...

Whenever I try to post an image in a personal album I get the following message:

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 75497472 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 19744 bytes) in /var/www/ud09_148/html/forum/includes/gallery/image/file.php on line 149

They are jpg files of around 250kB
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Re: Please use the Image Gallery (tutorial inside)

Postby motiondave » Sun 5. May 2013, 08:23

did you try to upload with the file attachment part when writing a thread or message?
there is a tab below when you reply to a thread that says "upload attachment".
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Re: Please use the Image Gallery (tutorial inside)

Postby RufusDufus » Mon 6. May 2013, 13:02

just tried to attach one to a post here as suggested motiondave but didn't work either... Has anyone else successfully posted an image in the last few days?
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Re: Please use the Image Gallery (tutorial inside)

Postby RacingMat » Wed 22. May 2013, 15:48

Hello !

I've uploaded successfully many images last week ... but now I'd like to edit some of them :
- how can I change the description ?
- and how can I replace/remove one image ?

Could you tell me how to do it as I didn't find out by myself...

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Re: Please use the Image Gallery (tutorial inside)

Postby floriske » Mon 27. May 2013, 10:48

Just tested, but it works for me, as well as an attachment as adding an image to my personal gallery
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Re: Please use the Image Gallery (tutorial inside)

Postby RacingMat » Tue 28. May 2013, 09:22

Thanks for checking that Floriske !
I manages to go through the whole process : here are the screenshots for a short tut !


Do not clic on the ImageName : it opens the picture viewer

Clic on "No Comments yet" it opens the following windows :

or clic on the number following "comments :"

Then clic on "Edit"
here you can change the description or the name of the image.

Modifying a picture : You cannot upload a newer image over an existing one : you have to delete the image and to create a new Image on your Gallery.
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Re: Please use the Image Gallery (tutorial inside)

Postby Gilou302004 » Wed 30. Sep 2015, 09:29

mon système fonctionne nickel
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Re: Please use the Image Gallery (tutorial inside)

Postby mikylev » Fri 4. Dec 2015, 01:41

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Please use the Image Gallery (tutorial inside)

Postby simulator1987 » Mon 15. Feb 2016, 15:34

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