Sim Project - 2DOF K8055+Sabertooth 2x12 -Stage 2

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Sim Project - 2DOF K8055+Sabertooth 2x12 -Stage 2

Postby kevin123 » Wed 4. Jul 2012, 19:45

Sim Racing Project Stage 1

BIG THANKS ---->> Image

Hello to all :hi:

This is my modest project finally finished :clap:

Before beginning I wanted to say thanks and make a few things:

Meanwhile, sorry for my english :blush:

I thank this forum and community without them would not be possible to realize

A big thanks to adbgg http://www.*/forum/k8055-s ... t2883.html guide for doing this and I have been inspired :cheers:

Caiubbo84 thank you for giving me some tips for electrical connections

and finally I must thank my stubbornness at all costs to finish a job started!

Then divide the post into four parts

1 - The structure

2 - Hardware used and wiring diagram

3 - My x-sim settings

4 - Videos of youtube

This not to mess up everything so that is as clear as possible and I hope it can be useful to someone .... you must realize the project with the same materials and connections as my

It will take more time to create the post but I think it's worth it for those looking for answers, I ask you just a little patience because unfortunately I have not much time available to me

If you is not a problem and believe that this little guide has helped you click the button Image so I see how many people and served ;)

But now we come to us

The structure

Sims work



Sim finished only a few things I miss:

Plexiglass protection for the mechanical parts in movement
Bracket 42'' TV
Aluminium back
Racing Seat
Seat belts
Brackets and 5.1 speakers
side panels and rear
2° monitor TouchScreen
Car speedometer
And finally, if I would like to add a third motor to simulate the loss of adhesion



Release button is very important engine removes the voltage motors have



Gear system for the potentiometers to give the position of the motors to K8055

Warning: this system use it only when you learned how to configure it themselves because x-sim is not configured correctly you risk splitting mechanisms and potentiometers (and I know something :D )


Luckily I broke one after I thought about using this system pads so if I forgot to turn off power to the engines Merely that x-sim and shut the rubber schivolavano about themselves and not breaking anything, however this system and just for testing not be used because after the final 2 laps potentiometers sfalzano so you have to adjust again



Engine cooling system for who makes extensive use of the sim ... I noticed that overheated so much and I thought cool



Limiters of angle are closer and act as shock absorbers and also serve to assist the engines in cars and make more sweet the tears down without too much


Those two tubular 40x40 with plastic caps are a predisposition of the bracket LCD TV 42'' and will do so with tubular 35x35 so that it goes into one another and with two mounting bolts

For the rest short-stay tuned ;)
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Re: Blue Sim racing - 2DOF Wiper Motors K8055+Sabertooth 2x1

Postby kevin123 » Wed 4. Jul 2012, 19:45

In this post I will put all the updates of my sim

UPDATE 01/08/2012


Work carried out:

Replaced hub central joint (the first was noisy)

Replaced with a racing seat

Added belts OMP racing

Painted the whole structure

Changed the pedals

Replaced gear knob

Added articulated arms for horizontal oscillation

Added aluminum in the structure


Next appointment to STAGE 3 ;)
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Re: Blue Sim racing - 2DOF Wiper Motors K8055+Sabertooth 2x1

Postby kevin123 » Wed 4. Jul 2012, 19:46

Hardware used:


K8055N (VM110 means that the card and already assembled)

A Sabertooth 2x12

200W ATX from PC

Stabilized power supply 30A

Wiper motors

Push button

2 potentiometers of 10 kOhm

Electrical wiring diagram definitive


Before you begin, the better to know some things:

We start from the VM110 K8055


I report what I wrote on the site of various manufacturers

This card, connected to the PC via the USB port, allows you to control the analog and digital as well as to "read" both analog and digital inputs. To that end comes a special software to be loaded on your PC.
This first interesting application there is another, perhaps more importantly, are in fact provided all the software tools to allow anyone to create a customized program. To facilitate this operation, on the board there are some resources to simulate the input signals of various kinds as well as signaling LED on the various outputs. The interface has 5 digital inputs and 8 digital outputs, 2 analog inputs and 2 analog outputs, 2 PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) with a resolution of 8 bits. The number of inputs / outputs can be further expanded by connecting up to a maximum of 4 cards to the PC's USB connector. Each card has its own identification number by means of two jumpers, SK5 and SK6. With the card comes with a complete set of software source code that can handle all the resources that all inputs and all outputs.
All communication routines are contained in the Dynamic Link Library (DLL) K8055D.DLL supplied with the kit along with some examples of use in Visual Basic, Visual C + +, Visual C #, Excel, Delphi and Borland C + + builder. Anyone with these tools, you can create a customized control panel! USB cable included.


Warning: For your tests with the included software to keep the two jumpers, SK5 and SK6 then when you connect the potentiometers remove them

Sabertooth 2x12A


Power module for the control of two motors with brushes in DC medium power (10 ... 15A), various systems for interfacing, great versatility ', compact size.

The Sabertooth 2X12 and 'the ideal choice for small robot propulsion differential (2, 4, 6 wheels). Great for combat robots or robots up to 13.6Kg to 45Kg or up to general use in any application where it is required to control 2 motors with brushes.

This module can 'supply two DC brush motors up to 12A of continuous output, peak 25A are admitted for short periods. The Sabertooth 2X12 and 'endowed with current limiting and thermal protection, there is no' then no need 'to worry about damaging the module in case of accidental stalls or by connecting the motors of the robot motors are too large.

I recommend: Move the switch # 4 OFF to ON and all others to pass in analog mode


Analog control, linear, independent: a 0V to 5V analog input is connected to terminals S1 and S2. 0V is full reverse, 5V is full forward, 2.5V is stop.



The ATX 200w, it has served to fuel the potentiometers in practice the 5V and 12V for the cooling fans that I was only available
But you can also use a more powerful I think at least 400W and 20A must support at least up to feed the Sabertooth putting a 10W resistor between the positive and negative 12V 5V to have a stable, then if you want to buy a power supply incasinarvi life For example, I already stabilized I've got a 30A to 18 euro

Stabilized power supply 30A



Necessary tool for those who specialize in professional jobs such as plant related to video surveillance, cartellonistiche bright LED light plants for decorations and all electrical applications that need a high amperage, but particularly need a continuous supply of energy and clean, high quality. With this stabilized power supply for professional use continues, by the precious strength and with a protection system for any overloads likely to short circuits and not least importantly, the excess of fluctuations at high temperatures. And 'provided output to 12 volts with 30 amps and trimmer for more precise adjustments.

General Specifications:

Rated Input: AC 110/220 Volt + / - 10%;
Output current: 12 Volts DC (2 pairs of terminals) Max 30 Amps continuous;
Dimensions: (W) 11.5 x (L) 21.3 x (H) 5 cm.

Wiper Motors


Engines fine for what we do and are cheap enough for you to connect the brown and green are the highest speed eliminated the orange wire that would be the low-speed

Push button


This element, and very important because it removes the power supply voltage which in turn feeds the Sabertooth and motors

You must know that if you give direct current motors go full speed x-sim with the various settings controls the motors and potentiometers which give the position of the engine if by chance you forget to disconnect power to the motor and close the first x-sim controls them engines go to full speed and then do the full tour means that the system that connects the potentiometers and the engine breaks

So before schendere and close the simulator x-sim and good press that button.

Potentiometers of 10 kOhm


These serve to give the position of the motor K8055 ranging from 0 to 100

0% = maximum speed direction negative = 5V
100% = maximum speed direction Positives = 5V
50% = Stop = 2.5 V

Then those in the middle from 10% to 40% and 60% to 90% are lower speeds in one direction or the other

My advice is to take those precision as those you see in the picture
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Re: Blue Sim racing - 2DOF Wiper Motors K8055+Sabertooth 2x1

Postby kevin123 » Wed 4. Jul 2012, 19:47

My setup x-sim 3

Before starting with the configuration of x-sim I state that I will not teach anyone anything, and aims to help people new to configure x-sim simulator is to run their course, talking about x-sim 3 previous versions are now obsolete ...

For other configurations, I leave in the hands of experts or please read the manual thanks ;D

X-Sim Installation

Step 1
The first thing to do x-sim download here
register on the site that will serve you later .... and installed x-sim if you have Vista or Windows 7 then you have to do it as administrator if you have antivirus or firewall click (let)


Then click the right button on X-Sim and Sim Converter Extractor
and set image as

X-Sim Converter

Step 2

Once installed you are not afraid of all those configurations to later learn by reading the manual.
First you must insert the USB port of your hardware in this case we speak of K8055 + Sabertooth let windows automatically install the driver tab current date and remember to disconnect power to the motor with the stop button run X-Sim Converter and go to the tab OUTPUT SETUP


Step 3

The first thing to do and create axes Example: right and left drive motor to do it I would say the unloading of a profile already done and can be found here http://www.*/forum/motion- ... g-f82.html

Once downloaded you load profiles in X-Sim Converter-load-profile


Step 4
Now you must set your knobs and give the maximum and minimum at both axles turn potentiometer
in one direction as negative, and click on a minimum
turn in a positive direction and hit up

For those whose structure is already complete I highly recommend you bring the seat and
the tie rods so as to have the seat aligned to 50%

the fact that you have to set the speed to stop the engines and dynamic look at the pictures
And here I must thank caiubbo84 for dynamic configuration :thbup:


Now execute the same procedure for the DX engine

Step 5
If you have a multicore CPU I recommend to isolate x-sim so that it will work with a core is not it interfere with the performance of the game


Step 6
Now I suggest you save your changes first saved SYNAPTRIX SAVE AXIS engine right and left in a file EXAMPLE:
DX.syn engine that will serve you for another profile then save the profile with your configuration profiles-save-profile

X-Sim Extractor

To use version 3 of x-sim you have to register here
and create an account because x-sim 3 connects to the site to work then I suggest you read the conditions
to use the software to take advantage of other features of the software you need a key STAGE 2

See the image to configure X-Sim Extractor


When you load the game will come out two screens click yes to both

Press play games and have fun ;D

If I missed something let me know thanks
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Re: Blue Sim racing - 2DOF Wiper Motors K8055+Sabertooth 2x1

Postby kevin123 » Wed 4. Jul 2012, 19:47


Sorry for the quality of the video I made them with the cell I get the camera to be repaired ...
then put in HD

X-SIM TEST dinamic configuration speed

Look at my son how to destroy a BMW :D

2 nd Test
Reactions of the simulator with the braking acceleration curbs and off the track and some fast lap

Thanks for helping me to SirNoName for NoLimits Simulator :thbup:

Used x-sim 3 Stage 2 is phenomenal

X-SIM - Test n°1 - NoLimits Simulator

X-SIM - Test 2 - NoLimits Simulator

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Re: Blue Sim racing - 2DOF Wiper Motors K8055+Sabertooth 2x1

Postby floriske » Wed 4. Jul 2012, 19:50

This is one of my favorite project logs of the past few months, glad to see it here!

Once you finished writing it I'll make sure it gets a solid spot in the "finished projects" section!

P.s. I'll try and fix the youtube bb code asap
I am no longer an admin/active moderator at Please contact one of the other admins or moderators if you have any questions. Thank you!

My sim-project:'s 2DOF Playseat GT Wiper motor Project (sold)
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Re: Blue Sim racing - 2DOF Wiper Motors K8055+Sabertooth 2x1

Postby kevin123 » Wed 4. Jul 2012, 19:51

Congratulations on the new layout of the forum good job! ;)
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Re: Blue Sim racing - 2DOF Wiper Motors K8055+Sabertooth 2x1

Postby kevin123 » Wed 4. Jul 2012, 20:08

floriske wrote:This is one of my favorite project logs of the past few months, glad to see it here!

Once you finished writing it I'll make sure it gets a solid spot in the "finished projects" section!

P.s. I'll try and fix the youtube bb code asap

Thank you floriske very kind of you to thank you also for all you're doing so you are an extraordinary person continues ;)

I have yet to finish the project is the first step and I think for next year because I finish work around because I have not enough time to complete

ok for youtube
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Re: Blue Sim racing - 2DOF Wiper Motors

Postby motiondave » Thu 19. Jul 2012, 14:39

Yes, thanks for that, I am looking at the K8055 as well now to run 24v motors.
Cheers for the info.
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Re: Blue Sim racing - 2DOF Wiper Motors

Postby kevin123 » Sun 5. Aug 2012, 21:21

Thank you and BobBuilt motiondave ;)

All the information I put them in the hope of helping someone who needs to create my own configuration to simplify life

and hope to succeed

hello kevin
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