motiondave wrote:the motors suck some power for sure, the JRKS will run 30 amps continuous, I know that. Just set the max current to 0 in utility.
And as for the motors not staying in position after you turn them off, same problem here. I think its the way they are designed, thats all.
They look good, toss a car battery on it for testing and have some fun!
The power supplies are reated 30A but even running the JRK's at 27,5A already killed one of them. That's what you get with chinese electronics, specs always seem to be off

For now I want to stick within the JRK's max 30A but who knows I might push them further once I've tested it all.
Roadster2 wrote:Hi Floriske
Let me know how you get on with the power supplies - I need four !
MCP list the current as 23A but I have seen the spec. sheet from the original Chinese source that lists the current as 27A. The only thing I haven't found out yet is if this is the Stall Current. If it isn't then the Stall current is going to be quite a bit higher. As Zach (MCP) didn't know I emailed the Chinese source, it was sent two weeks ago but no response yet.
What length of lever arm are you using ?
Of course I'll share my findings with the new psu's, II reckon it will take about 2 weeks for them to get here.
I'm not going to risk killing the 2nd 30A supply as well since I want to try and sell it (hope I can fix the other one as well).
Current of the motors is listed as 23A indeed, but stall current will be a lot higher. I tested them starting at 20A but at that rate they had problems lifting the platform, they started doing their job like they should from 25A and up (baring in mind that my platform is a bit front heavy if noone is on it! So they will have less problems once a driver is on it since the platform will be better balanced then).
The arms are 8cm in length and the distance between the centers of the 2 holes is 55mm