Dirt 2 and 3 work only first time.

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Dirt 2 and 3 work only first time.

Postby deniscina78 » Fri 2. Nov 2012, 13:39

Hello everyone.Sorry for my english.I have a problem with dirt 2 plugins. When I launch extractor for the first time the program finds the game and automatically configures .Everything ok when I play the first time, i have motion data. when I try to play again nothing happen, no motion date! Unistall extractor and reistall and for the first time ok, second try no motion data. Why? I want to make a donation in order to use x-sim 3 offline but I would not like there was always this problem.Thank so much for your help!
Ps: the problem is the same in local and in network mode.
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Re: Dirt 2 and 3 work only first time.

Postby motiondave » Fri 2. Nov 2012, 13:45

copy and paste the dirt2 plug in and outsim from x-sim folder to the program folders of dirt2 and 3. See the atatched picture for these files
Disregard the fact is says F1 2012, I have found out that LFS plugin works best for F1 2012, but dirt2 works with F1 2010 and 2011.
Change the line of code in hardware settings config
<motion enabled="true" ip="" port="20777" delay="1" extradata="1"

You dont need stage 2 to get motion for games already listed.

Mind you, the graphics driver is good for finding motion in other games
yeah, lets rock.
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Re: Dirt 2 and 3 work only first time.

Postby sirnoname » Fri 2. Nov 2012, 14:59

If you do not have motion data you have either not loaded out of the list your last profile and you have made a new game profile with touching the right side
something has changed your motion driver.

Goto the motion driver (button right) then plugin driver and insure the dirt2 plugin is selected.
Then press the button on top right "set defaults".
Thats all you need. Do never use the debug button "Try send data". Use "play game".
After this you select a game then the profile of the middle box, do not touch the right side.

The above post of copy something is wrong.
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Re: Dirt 2 and 3 work only first time.

Postby motiondave » Tue 6. Nov 2012, 02:36

sirnoname wrote:If you do not have motion data you have either not loaded out of the list your last profile and you have made a new game profile with touching the right side
something has changed your motion driver.

Goto the motion driver (button right) then plugin driver and insure the dirt2 plugin is selected.
Then press the button on top right "set defaults".
Thats all you need. Do never use the debug button "Try send data". Use "play game".
After this you select a game then the profile of the middle box, do not touch the right side.

The above post of copy something is wrong.

I have dirt 3 on a new pc and I did all that, but I still had to change the line of code, but I didnt have to put the plugin into the program folder of the game.
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Re: Dirt 2 and 3 work only first time.

Postby deniscina78 » Thu 8. Nov 2012, 11:36

Thnks a lot for your help!!Now plugin work perfectly!
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Re: Dirt 2 and 3 work only first time.

Postby sliversgyj » Mon 26. Aug 2013, 18:07

sirnoname wrote:If you do not have motion data you have either not loaded out of the list your last profile and you have made a new game profile with touching the right side
something has changed your motion driver.

Goto the motion driver (button right) then plugin driver and insure the dirt2 plugin is selected.
Then press the button on top right "set defaults".
Thats all you need. Do never use the debug button "Try send data". Use "play game".
After this you select a game then the profile of the middle box, do not touch the right side.

The above post of copy something is wrong.

Hi, Sirnoname,
I also meet such isssue.But I didn't find the "set defaults",it is the button" Standard setup for left dialog" in lastest version?
I also found the checkbox "game paused" of outsimDir2.exe always be selected.(my listening port :20777, no other check box selected).
What should I do with it?Thanks!
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