Here you can talk about creating profiles, discuss your profile settings and share problems with games and plugins.
Please note that you first have to read the the fitting game section in the manual!
by billo2404 » Sat 1. Feb 2014, 16:22
Hello to all. I found that as soon as I install x-sim and then its plugins have problems on almost all the games I have:
Rfactor not part
Ratr2 not part
Grid2 side but hangs at the end of any race at the finish line.
Dirt3 seems to work well but I have not thoroughly tested.
To redo work the games I go to remove the x-sim plugin manually and then everything is ok, but so obviously I can not use the simulator.
Poets help me?
My setup is:
Win 7 64bit
5870 2GB DDR5 graphics card Eyefinity6
intel quad 6600

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by micma80 » Sat 1. Feb 2014, 20:45
Hai impostato correttamente Extractor per il relativo gioco che vuoi utilizzare?
You have successfully set Extractor for its game you want to use?

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