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Re: X-Plane 10

Postby sirnoname » Wed 23. Dec 2015, 13:31

You must only start the x-plane plugin for your tests. If this plugin has moving values you solved your problem.
It is working on my side.
Do you use latest X-Plane? Else you must try the old plugin.
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Re: X-Plane 10

Postby lyspatriote » Sun 27. Dec 2015, 00:15

when you say open the plugin, you refer to the UDP motion Platform paket reader?
The version of x-plane is new version 10.4.5.
do i need to put the plugin is a special place, i have it on my desktop, double clic to open it, it's clic game paused all the rest 0 and stay like that.

i will retry until i get it . it seam to fun.

Thanks again
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Re: X-Plane 10

Postby sirnoname » Sun 27. Dec 2015, 00:51

Yes it must have changing values. And use the file in the solved post.
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Re: X-Plane 10

Postby lyspatriote » Sun 27. Dec 2015, 01:34

When using the udp packet reader from the solve post, i get game paused ckeck, the old one noting in that case.
For the rest on detected x-plane version i got 0
Is there special place that i need to put x-plane (on the desktop now in x-plane 10 folder) or that i put the plugin in order to get reconnize?

Do i need to care about the ip adresse in x-plane, the part in the instalation,

thank you Sirnoname
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Re: X-Plane 10

Postby sirnoname » Sun 27. Dec 2015, 02:58

Why you entered that IP address with 96 .... ?
Do not start the extractor, it is not needed for your test.
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Re: X-Plane 10

Postby lyspatriote » Sun 27. Dec 2015, 20:52

about the ip adresse, when i check my ip adresse online that what i got.
should i write the one it suggest on the x-plane page? will try that
So i open x-plane paket reader and after open x-plane, no converter or extrator open, just like that, and i sould see data move in the plug in.
will try that.
Thanks again
Maybe with another pc i would be more lucky? i will try that also

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Re: X-Plane 10

Postby sirnoname » Sun 27. Dec 2015, 21:11

Your IP is written in white in same dialog.
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Re: X-Plane 10

Postby lyspatriote » Sun 27. Dec 2015, 21:35

Ok i try that, look what i got

should i click both ip of data receiver and ip flirt,
for now i got no actuators plug in my pc dosent that change someting?

For now im instaling the demo of x-plane on a another pc to seen if my luck will change
is the other tab mather, instructor, multiplayer?
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Re: X-Plane 10

Postby lyspatriote » Tue 29. Dec 2015, 04:38

Hello ,
So i instal x-plane demo version it says: 10.4.2 on a another pc running windows7 both of my machine are on win7, would i have more chance if i upgrade to win10?

i try both paket reader and i still got noting

when running the extractor scan wizard the extractor did not find the x-plane game, maybe thoses issues are related?

here my data page from x-plane with both paket reader on
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Re: X-Plane 10

Postby lyspatriote » Wed 30. Dec 2015, 17:27

is there someone who that paket reader work , and how did you do it, so far i test on 3 pc, noting moving, no data not even reconnize, and to top x-sim extrator cannot find the game in the scan, that the fisrt time that that scan dont find a game, what im i doing wrong?

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