sirnoname wrote:Hi and thank you for your impressions. How many simulators do you plan
Since our last day of the open door I have another meaning about wiper motors. His VW Golf motors are absolutely silent and do their job for a seat mover (small force needed) in perfection. I suggest you also start with a seat mover like the Simforce GT or thanos joyrider which is designed for such motors.
hi sirnoname,
ok 10 seems to much but 3 for me 3DOF spring!
loaded sarrus linked driven and carried like this fast sketch :
or a simple to make for me a manualy levelling by counterweight joyrider for different users 2DOF, but my friend nury961 as well now a member wants to do 3DOF so we need 6
I have taken the remainig 4 for the case not all are working for to have spare and send them back to supplier (I did not have seen them yet so they may have not functioning) or I may need spare parts like the gears on the not working wipers. Safe side
but I knocked on the wall regarding the electronics namly I am nob and here in Turkey I can not find a velleman k8055 nor pololu jrk12v12, but arduino and pololu 18v25 or I have to go to produce AMC 1.6 with the no knowledge of mine AMC 1.6 is harder to produce then the Arduino option but then comes the setup of it etc which sounds to me at least less chinese language. my be with some help for Arduinomega or something that I can buy here in Turkey. ordering thru Ebay is not a simple option for me cause the custom, which takes long and they think in a way that those things may have been a super spy computer part with 10000€ worth and then you haave to explain.
Desperate need for help