controlled by
Interface name
Interface description
This is the original Rock’n’Ride interface. It is controlled by a special serial cable that can set the chair in 7 positions per axis. There are some addons from different developers which will increase the reachable positions by a extra micro controller like displayed on the left side (green extra board)
AMC 1.5
Tronicgr’s external intelligent DC motor control board can control a DC actuator like wiper motors or door actuators with its own pot feedback input. So you only need to transfer the ingame data with the USO dialog to the interface. More information’s about current firmware and revisions you will find in the forum. This interface is combined with a DIY H-Bridge which is able to drive powerful DC engines.
Pololu Micro R/C servo board
This is a R/C servo controller board to control gauges or sample simulators in scale 1:100. It is very cheap and easy to use.
The SCN5 are equipped with a electrical stepper motor and will use their own intelligent microprocessor. They will receive the ingame data’s and will do the rest. A actuator with 100 mm length can access 13000 positions with a accurate encoder system. They are also very fast with maximal 400mm/second. Steppers are good in lower speeds and cannot move large weights in higher speeds. The SCN5 with 100 mm stroke length is the most used simulator actuator in the racing frame solution. It can simulate vibrations. This is at the moment the high end actuator for small racing frames. [read more...]
Velleman K8055D USB VM110
This is a experimental interface from velleman which includes analogue / digital outputs and digital / analogue inputs. It is sold all over the world in good sorted electronic shops. (i.e. Conrad electronic)
Every LPT parallel port on a normal PC
The printer port is a 8 bit digital output port on most of the personal computers. Since some years these normal ports are excluded by the cheap main board companies. However you can insert a LPT card in a free PCI slot of your computer. There are many relay boards out there which will connect up to 8 relays direct to that ports. This can be useful for the profiler to control some actuators or other related things.
Conrad serial relais card
This is an old and outdated relays card from the electronic shop conrad electronic in Germany. It uses special commands to control the relays. This interface has only outputs, no inputs.
RnR USB 1.3 X-Sim Rock’n’Ride interface
This is a DIY (do it yourself) interface designed to be exchangeable with the original Rock’n’Ride interface. It has two analogue inputs and eight transistors to control eight valves. It is nearly the same as the velleman interface without any digital output. (Same microprocessor) You will find the assembly manual and build instruction on the old page. [read more...]
All DirectX game input devices
You are able to use any windows compatible game controller as a pot input feedback for the use in the synaptrix control. So you are able to mix a simple joystick with a simple output interface like the parallel port relays card. Also joystick from logitech or other leading game device developer have very accurate pots and a good input electronic equipped. So you can avoid a bad ADC of a interface by using a professional joystick pot. The Force Feedback output is not used for any synaptrix output. It is also possible to use a Wii accelerometer with pee glove software as yaw, pitch and roll feedback with this plugin.
USB eight 10bit analogue input device
This interface has eight accurate 10 bit analogue input for pots. It is provided by conrad electronic in Germany.
Velleman K8061
This is a simple 7.1 digital display which is used as gear indicator.
Serial port Virtual IO tracker
This is a plugin for the virtual IO head mounted display head tracker. It will read out the accelerometers and therefore represents the current pitch, roll and yaw value. This could be used for a simulator turn feedback.
Mini SSC II R/C servo interface
Control interface for 16 hobby R/C servo engines.
Codemercs IO-Warrior 40
USB interface with 32 outputs on a breadboard. This interface is very popular and good to buy over eBay or LCD modding shops. You are able to solder some MOSFET transistors or relays on the breadboard.