New Member trying to get his sim working

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New Member trying to get his sim working

Postby wizzardmk » Sat 14. Mar 2015, 00:32

Hi All
I am a new member ( an old one but getting back to sim racing, been away for over 5 years), and I wanted to start my hobby again seeing I have some time * I already have my rig and was using the old version of sim X perience but looking to start all over.
I am presently using 2 x SCN5 actuators and I would like to install assetto corsa and try my rig again.
I have 2 usb cables going to the computer and a power box with fan that give the unit the power.
Could anyone please suggest which software I could use to have the motion back into my rig?

Please let me know if you need more info on my rig.
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Re: New Member trying to get his sim working

Postby wizzardmk » Fri 20. Mar 2015, 03:25

Hi Guys just a small update seeing how helpful the members of this forum were with my post.
I finally got my seat working and moving around like I want it and it is was all thanks to a bunch of knowledgeable guys who put a lot of hours in, so they can help others out with their problems. NO it was not the members of X-SIM but the great guys at x simulator with their easy siiiiimmmmmtooollllllsssss software.
Anyone who is having trouble setting their seat up, I suggest going over to x simulator community and asking for help there. Chances are you will solve your problem faster.
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Re: New Member trying to get his sim working

Postby puppydogfish » Wed 1. Apr 2015, 10:19

I suggest going over to x sell aion kinah simulator community and asking for help there.
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